Hello Everyone--
I recently returned from the Master RET Training and the Enhanced RET Training and I am so amazed that I truly know some of the coolest people on this planet! I looked around at these people that spend their money and their time to actively do something good on the planet and I thought "Lynell, you are so blessed to work in this field with these people." I feel that way every Certification and Training.
I also want you to know that the feelings that many of you express as you are preparing to "show-up" for people are the same ones that I've had. Who am I to have any meaningful and profound to say? But, who am I not too? I remember praying so hard before my first RET sessions that I wouldn't do anything harmful and that I would teach only love. Then later as I stood before these large rooms of people who looked to me to model what to do in this healing modality and looked to me for inspiration to be the arms and legs of Spirit in this world--and I prayed my guts out again that I could just be the tool or vessel it came through because if it was up to me, I could and probably would--screw-up!!!
It was in the moments of one-on-one sessions and then in the Training arena that I got it about if I will just prepare and be willing to stand up and open my mouth--the rest a higher power takes care of! Thank you to all of you for your daily walk on the planet that says, "I'm willing!" Thank you for inspiring me to be greater than myself and feel Spirit everyday as I show up for myself, others and God. Keep positive and know you are never alone and you are brave to keep showing-up, holding the space for others to heal and remember until their higher selves catch up! Thanks to everyone for being the everyday HERO's that you are!
Love, Lynell
ReplyDeleteI just love the heck out of you!!!
You are Lynell, a grand and wonderful being that has touched my spirit in gigantic ways. I love the "learning" of Rapid Eye, but the spirit you bring and share with each of us IS the icing on the cake.
You are GOLD girlyfriend, and I love and appreciate all you do!!!