Monday, June 28, 2010


Can having intentions that are positive create health in our lives? The answer is most definitely YES! Our consciousness directly affects our health and healing on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). Our mind/body is set up to meet all our needs directly and spontaneously which is usually occurring without our conscious knowing.

As we become more awake and aware we gain fresh insight into situations – this is the creation of breakthrough moments which we can convert into positive learning and growing experiences. We are seeing many individuals (and corporations) who have slept through the wake-up calls and chosen instead to remain in their comfort zone. The message to shift or change will continue to repeat louder and louder until it gets our attention, the learning is absorbed and the shift happens. Change is inevitable.

Ignoring the “choice moments” is a coping strategy that seems to work in the moment. On the other hand, chronic sleepwalking through life can lead to major problems simply because we lock out teachable moments. It is not enough to simply go through the motions of life with our bodies in an upright position and our mind asleep to what is going on around us. Being part of the ‘walking dead’ is not only an unfulfilling way to experience life; it can be costly as well.

There are no victims in the world and no villains. We are not the victim of others choices. On some level, we have participated in the creations we detest – and having created it, we have chosen it and we can change it. Our choices paint a picture of who we are. Look at how States and Nations have painted such pictures. For most of our lives, we lived at the effect of our experiences or in reaction. Through conscious intention we are invited to live and walk in awareness creating health and healing in our lives.

Use a Rapid Eye session to clear the old patterns that keep our intentions ineffectual. Learn to tap into subtler levels of information you’ve been ignoring up to now and create your life, health and healing consciously. As you become aware of the flow of information and energy going to your body, you can choose positive intentions and immediately recognize the results. Life is a creation, not a discovery.

Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is a safe, natural way to release stress and trapped trauma leaving us empowered to live a happier, more productive life without reliving the event. RET gently simulates REM sleep, the body’s own natural discharge. Accessing the whole mind/body system while awake, allows you to be in control of your journey and in a powerful position to create your new reality. With new skills, ideas and experiences, you are less likely to repeat the “do what you’ve always done, get what you’ve always gotten” pattern of stuck in your life. Identify and release nonproductive beliefs, negative thought forms, and emotions—all of which contribute to emotional stress. RET is a release and reframe technology unique in its approach and amazing in its results.

Clients report:
· immediate benefits
· a new perspective on life
· feeling relaxed, yet energized
· self empowerment
· permanently change your life

Visit to download a free Life Skills Workbook.

Claudia Bianca, MRET is a Master Rapid Eye Therapist/RET Trainer sharing twenty-four years of experience with Rapid Eye Technology. She is located in beautiful Taos, New Mexico. Email questions to or visit

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Self Empowerment

We are reviewing a time where profit came before people and planet – and the devastating result that has created. Our society thrived on stories of get rich quick, top dog, and the greed seemed to entice rather than repel us. We are now shifting to a more real way of being on the planet. Those that are still waiting for the knight in shining armor may find that an old, used-up knight in rusty armor shows up on a donkey. The time to empower ourselves is present. Empower means to give authority to. No one can give us authority, except ourselves.

Wholeness is a more a state of spirit rather than a state of mind. As a baby, we knew ourselves as perfect until others told us we weren’t. Today we must find the wholeness still within us and bring this latent joyful understanding into all we experience in life. We must learn to believe in and be guided by our inner knowing. Inner assurance is what will give us self assurance. Once we re-discover the joy we once knew, we truly can live an unlimited life.

There are three principles of manifestation that have been around since the dawn of time.
· The Principle of Creative Thought – we create what we believe.
· The Principle of Mental Clearing – we must clear our self-limiting beliefs to manifest new beliefs

· The Principle of Vision – we must have a clear vision of what we want to create to manifest it

Using Rapid Eye sessions to clear the self-limiting beliefs will allow our vision (of healthy relationships, prosperity, joy, inspiration) to sparkle and shine with a clarity that will surprise us. We cannot put a new belief in place until we clear the old incorrect belief that keeps us stuck in the same old, same old. We can all get away with being casual and careless for awhile, yet sooner or later it catches up to you. Leave your bills unpaid, your work undone, and your problems to everyone else and one day the walls will fall in. Our choices have a cumulative effect. They build on each other. Rapid Eye can clear these self-limiting beliefs and assist you in creating the life you truly want.

Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is a safe, natural way to release stress and trauma leaving us empowered to live a happier, more productive life without reliving the trauma. RET gently simulates REM sleep, the body’s own natural discharge. Accessing the whole mind/body system while awake, allows you to be in control of your journey and in a powerful position to create your new reality. With new skills, ideas and experiences, you are less likely to repeat the “do what you’ve always done, get what you’ve always gotten” pattern of stuck in your life. Identify and release nonproductive beliefs, negative thought forms, and emotions—all of which contribute to emotional stress. RET is a release and reframe technology unique in its approach and amazing in its results.

Clients report:
· immediate benefits
· a new perspective on life
· feeling relaxed, yet energized
· self empowerment
· permanently change your life

Visit to download a free Life Skills Workbook.

Claudia Bianca, MRET shares twenty-four years of experience with Rapid Eye Technology. She is located in beautiful Taos, New Mexico offering individual sessions, Immersion programs, Reiki Attunements and Rapid Eye Certifications and workshops. Email questions to or visit