Monday, October 5, 2009

October Beach Retreat

Walking onto the beach, I took it all in, white capped waves rising in broken formations, then, diving into camouflages of churning foam and sand, creating a peaceful pulsing roar as intense as the bright sunlight illuminating the warm, iridescent, white sand beneath my feet. The coast was alive, clearing the senses with slight breezes filled with fresh salty air. Cares fled with the whimsy of multi-colored kites decorating the deep blue sky like disobedient diamond shaped rainbows bobbing, dancing, and dipping carelessly between layered currents of changing wind. The landscape presented varied, ironic activities, displaying beautiful, slender runners with browned, bare skin beyond slight bikini boundaries chasing the pulsing tide, contrasting cozy, hand clasped couples in coats, strolling thoughtfully along the water's edge; the whole scene, seasoned with seagulls soaring, sunbathing, squawking, and squabbling over scraps. Energy was high. Lives erupted in motion, teenagers; playing Frisbee, kids; splashing in the bubbly water and scooping sand, a dog; chasing the surf, kicking up sand with clumsy galloping legs, barking, nipping at foam, shaking seaweed clenched in teeth as though killing prey, then courting mischief with sand castle builders.

Approaching a mound of boulders, radiant heat offering a great shelter from cool Oregon coast breezes, I chose a seat, with rocks shoulder height on both sides, like a throne of boulders, with a great view of the entire beach. I felt peace and comfort, warming my body in the sun, warming my soul with love and respect for life and nature. I found a great spot for lunch. Thoughtfully opening my sack, removing chips and sandwich, eating slowly, my attention changed, focusing again on the behavior of dozens of seagulls squabbling over scraps of food. I shared bits of my lunch with them, buying continued observation.

Watching the gulls fight and compete for anything edible, feeling lack and discomfort, I considered the power and energy of intent. Taking responsibility for my feelings, re-focusing on my own power rather than the seagulls' energy, I changed my perception, replacing lack and competition with love, safety, peace, and abundance. Testing the attraction of similar energy and thought, I placed a corn chip on my shoulder, wondering if any of the gulls would respond. Some came closer, then, retreating (perhaps in fear), returned to old comfortable patterns, again fighting for their food.

However, I continued faith in the test. Catching my attention off to the side, patiently watching, refusing to fight for food, one thoughtful gull stood apart from the rest, engaging me eye-to-eye, looking at options, studying me and the corn chip on my shoulder. Finally, he took a chance, flying to the rock I was leaning on. I looked into his eye just inches away, absence of fear indicating acceptance of my energy sent. Respectful rapport established, my soul felt free, touched by his courage and thoughtful trust. Responding alone, facing natural fear, this gull taught abundance without struggle, eating from my shoulder, enjoying love, safety, and a hassle-free forty-five minute feast.

Eating lunch in a virtual paradise with a bird, I witnessed the power of thought! All I focus thought on, I attract multiplied. My results change, when changing the thoughts I focus on. I learned from a seagull, the power of thoughtfully facing and replacing fears, patiently watching for responses to love sent, peacefully, gracefully accepting good-will offered, receiving deserved abundance without a fight. Changing thoughts to love, all connected creation succeeds.

October 1994 © Leonard E. Downing

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