When we have a power and don’t consciously acknowledge or use it, we might as well not have it. Kind of like those tools tucked so far in a drawer they are never in our view, or a blouse with the tags still on it that just doesn’t feel quite right when we put it on. Love can move mountains, engage people and stop wars.
As we go through life, we stumble upon the need for resolution again and again. This can be at work, in a personal relationship, with family or friends, or even at the grocery store in the check out line. Our energy as human beings is so strong that when we are not giving or receiving love, others feel it, taste it, sense it and know it. So, as we stand around the water cooler at work not liking Linda, she feels it. She may not be conscious of it – yet it directs her responses and comfort level as surely as if we’d said “I don’t care what you have to say in meetings. In fact, I wish you’d just not say anything so we can get out of the meeting quicker.” That feeling of dismissal is just as palpable as if it were stated out loud.
Now take this into personal relationships and marriages…we may not be saying it out loud, yet our partner withdraws, sulks, or lashes out in anger in response to our energy of judging and comparing. True accountability and responsibility asks us to look at our own energy and be personally responsible for that. We cannot see something in someone else that we don’t also see in ourselves. Since we can’t change others, our work is clear. Work on ourselves and it will smooth our journey.
How do we come to resolution when the walls seem huge, the gap is growing and the communication is non-existent? Love is the answer. Take your ultimate power and find a way to re-love the event, person or experience and it will shift. If you experience anger or withdraw when faced with the need for resolution, book a Rapid Eye session to let go of the emotional charge. Once free of the ‘hook’, you will be able to move around the incident and perceive it from a different place and create the opening for resolution.
From their RET sessions Clients report:
· immediate benefits
· a new perspective of life events
· feeling relaxed, yet energized
· self empowerment· new life skills
hearts that give, gather…

Claudia Bianca, MRET
Master Rapid Eye Therapist/RET Trainer(575)751-4551
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