We all have ‘stuff’ to work through in life. It can seem like a big mountain to climb to face our stuff, so many attempt to postpone it with self medication, busyness or hitting the snooze alarm to stay in our comfort zone. Life tries to deliver a message and our resistance causes us to stay asleep and ignore it. These messages will be delivered over and over again until we get the learning.
Hitting the snooze alarm is a coping mechanism and some people go through life in an upright position simply doing the motions with our mind asleep to what is really going on around us. These ‘walking dead’ pay a high price in an unfulfilling experience of life. Going for the breakthrough moments in life can give us positive growing and learning – creating excitement about just being here.
We all will be creating our life for the rest of our life – just as we’ve been doing since birth. The difference (choice) is whether we are creating it consciously or with the snooze alarm in full gear. We all live the effect of our experiences. What we’re discussing here is to be at the cause of them. That is what is known as conscious living and walking in awareness. Use a Rapid Eye session to tap into the subtle levels of information that life has been trying to deliver to you. Learn to listen to the messages you’ve been ignoring and create consciously your experience of life. Choice, not chance determines your destiny.
Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is a safe, natural way to release stress and trauma leaving us empowered to live a happier, more productive life without reliving the trauma. RET gently simulates REM sleep, the body’s own natural discharge. Accessing the whole mind/body system while awake, allows you to be in control of your journey and in a powerful position to create your new reality. With new skills, ideas and experiences, you are less likely to repeat the “do what you’ve always done, get what you’ve always gotten” pattern of stuck in your life. Identify and release nonproductive beliefs, negative thought forms, and emotions—all of which contribute to emotional stress. RET is a release and reframe technology unique in its approach and amazing in its results.
Clients report:
· immediate benefits
· a new perspective on life
· feeling relaxed, yet energized
· self empowerment
· permanently change your life
Claudia Bianca, MRET shares twenty-four years of experience with Rapid Eye Technology. She is located in beautiful Taos, New Mexico offering individual sessions, Immersion programs, Reiki Attunements and Rapid Eye Certifications and workshops. Email questions to seeublink@aol.com or visit http://www.claudiabianca.com/