Monday, September 28, 2009

Phone Sessions

I encourage new MRETs to find a RET buddy and trade phone sessions. Working with another technician is beneficial on so many levels.

On one level, you get to do your own personal Rapid Eye work, release your limiting beliefs, shift unproductive patterns, and create more of what you want.

On another level, you get to practice phone session skills. Many of us are reluctant to offer phone sessions because we are unsure of the process or are afraid. Like with anything, practice builds confidence, and working with another technician allows you to build confidence with someone who knows the processes, and can offer support and encouragement, and give immediate feedback.

Working with another technician in phone sessions is a lot like RET training. You experience a wonderful high frequency—and yes, you can actually feel the energy.

I saved the best reason for last. Offering phone sessions will open your RET practice up to new clients who may not live close enough to come for in-person sessions.

Sushila and I have been trading phone sessions for several weeks now. We both are experiencing some wonderful effects from our work together. Even if you already trade sessions with another technician—I encourage trading phone sessions. It is fun. I look forward to my phone sessions (giving and receiving) every week.

Tonjia Mallory


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Questionable phone calls

If you get a phone call for Rapid Eye services and the person wants to give you all the background of his story, please stop and tell him or her that is not part of Rapid Eye Technology. In the cognitive Life Skills of Rapid Eye, we teach that whatever we put our focus on increases. So by talking about the abuse or trauma, he or she is increasing his emotions and patterns that no longer serve the highest good and healing.
Inform the caller to set up an appointment if interested in the Rapid Eye release work or suggest if they want to talk about it to contact a traditional therapist.

Remember we can always call each other, the Institute, or the trainers if we have concerns.

Sushila Mertens
Nevada City, CA
530 274-2496

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rapid Eye Technology Vision, Principles, and Mission

Vision Statement
In a spirit of gratitude we call forth lightworkers NOW who choose to enhance the planetary evolution through the gift of Rapid Eye Technology. We provide an environment for positive change through unconditional love, honor, education and community.

Core Values and Principles
Rapid Eye Institute prides itself on high standards of excellence and attention to technician support. Core values are quality, integrity and being centered. Home study courses are accommodated with flexibility and sensitivity.

Fundamental Beliefs and Purpose
Rapid Eye Institute recognizes the worth and development of individuals, believes learning is a life long pursuit and that students learn by doing.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide adult learners a broad access to a high quality of education through a distance learning environment. Rapid Eye Institute’s courses prepare its graduates to achieve professional excellence and to affect positive social change.

Desired Outcome
Each technician practices respect for their clients’ belief systems while practicing legally and ethically.

RET Scripts on sale

RET Scripts $35.00 $30.00

RET Scripts

by Ranae Johnson

This book includes EVERY RET script and process. Have ALL the RET scripts in ONE easy to use book. Comes complete with a table of contents so you can easily find the script you wish to use. No need to make your own practice book with your favorite scripts - this one has it all. Simplify your practice. Spiral bound for ease of use.

This product available to Certified RET Technicians ONLY.

Upcoming Rapid Eye Technology trainings

For more information, go to

October 15-19, 2009
RET Distant Learning Course Certification
by Sharlene Young & Lynell Beckstrom
RET Institute Salem, Oregon

January 22-29, 2010
RET Train the Trainer4,5
by Sharlene Young & Lynell Beckstrom
RET Institute Salem, Oregon

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I just bought a fold-up music stand. It is really neat, and I think other technicians may like it. It fold-up and it is carried in a bag you can throw over your shoulder. And--get this, you can put a wand in there with it. Yes--the bag is the exact length needed to hold an EDD. I am excited. You take that, and a script book and can do a session anywhere.
It is made by Lauren. I paid $15.95 at a local music store, but they are available from for 9.95. They come in bright colors. I don't think carries anything but black so if someone wants a colored one, they will probably have to pay more from another site. Mine is YELLOW.

Tonjia Mallory
Weatherford, OK
580 772-0352

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Scripts Manual

We have so many great tools available. Have you used any of these from the Scripts manual:
Co-dependency Clearing
Poverty or lack consciousness
Perfectionism or Control?

Or Blending in from the Enhanced Manual:
the archetype that fits the age or chakra

Do you give the Defense Sets survey to your clients?

What successes are you having? Would love to hear from you.

Sushila Mertens
Nevada City, CA
530 274-2496